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Konstantin Razumov oil paintings on canvas, oil painting framed canvas for living room, reproductions oil painting on canvas

(image for) Konstantin Razumov oil paintings on canvas, oil painting framed canvas for living room, reproductions oil painting on canvas
Konstantin Razumov oil paintings on canvas, oil painting framed canvas for living room, reproductions oil painting on canvas
  • Model: Konstantin Razumov-180
  • Shipping Weight: 0.685 lbs

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Starting at: $70.00

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Oil painting framed canvas for living room, reproductions oil painting on canvas, Handmade paintings of famous artists for sale, Oil painting for home canvas, oil painting framed canvas for living room, oil painting framed on canvas, High quality art reproductions of Konstantin Razumov painting artwork. Figurative oil painting by Russian impressionist painter artist Konstantin Razumov. this is Konstantin Razumov's style —without any ornaments, but simply and figuratively paints what he wants to express. The painting is beautiful and professional, looks just like the original Konstantin Razumov paintiings, colors vibrant and clear. Wonderful canvas painting art.

Reproductions of Konstantin Razumov paintiings. The size of this copy 16 inch wide x 24 inch high. Copy is Original aspect ratio.   Handmade oil paintings reproductions, Museum quality oil painting reproductions, All our reproductions are 100% handmade oil paintings on canvas. All the oil painting on canvas will come with about 1.6 inches to 2 inches of blank canvas on all sides leaving plenty of room for framing or mounting.  Normally we will send the oil painting as a  roll, no framed unless you choose framed paintings. Click here link stretched oil painting. to Choose more other style frame.

This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 04 January, 2018.

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