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Alexi Zaitsev painting

Alexi Zaitsev is an impressionist , and this imposes special requirements on his works. It is crucial to find an appropriate view, get scent of the color, light and shade, select and blend incompatible hues of paint, since false strokes are particularly clearly seen in the works of impression creators. The artist was born in Ryazan. When he was 12 years old, he moved to Moscow. And in 1983, when he was 24 years old, Alexi Zaitsev graduated from the faculty named after Ulyanova affiliated with Union of Journalists of the USSR and became a book illustrator. Alexi was not the only talented member of his family. His aunt, Zaitseva, Z.A., an honoured artist of the USSR, was a living illustration of zealous creative work and his guide into the world of arts.

The works of the artist, Alexi Zaitsev, a follower of Miritsky, B.A., (school of Mashkov I.I.) and Antonenko, V.D., demonstrate masterful technique of dashing brushwork and their own style. In his pictures dotted painting typical for impressionism and open-work lines specific to the author are combined. Alexi starts the work over his canvases in keeping with the best traditions of impressionism, in the open-air, absorbing the atmosphere of wonderful places: Russian towns, small villages, vastness of the sea and narrowness of yards. First of all the artist makes small sketches, distinctive drawings, seizes the moments and then, having returned home from the long travels aboutl Russia, he accomplishes his paintings in his Moscow atelier.

Since 80s works of the artist have been exhibited not only in Russia, but also abroad. In USA several works have been purchased for Institute of Russian Economics and Culture, in Hungary and Ireland for the embassy of the Russian Federation, in Madrid for a private gallery. Works of Alexi Zaitsev adorn many collections, for example, an official gallery of Yeltsin B.N., a collection of the photographer, E. Rozhdestvenskaya.

Please be aware that oil paintings typically arrive as rolls without frames unless you choose framed or specifically requested for stretching. For more information on stretched canvas frame paintings please see "Stretched painting Framed Painting." Additionally, Special Alexi Zaitsev paintings can be requested by adding comments in either in "" or send us a picture by email.

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Reproduction Alexi Zaitsev oil painting on canvas Summer day

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